Funding Opportunities

Insurance Accepted:
State Medi-Cal
The Alliance
Health Plan of San Joaquin
Kaiser MCP
Health Net
Network By Design
Check your insurance plan's Network Provider list for Doulas. If you don't find any listed, contact your insurance carrier to find out if maternal care services are covered in any capacity on your plan. If not covered on your medical plan, check with your Benefits Dept. about the possibility of reimbursement for services outside of the standard plan.
Health Savings Acct.
If you have a Flex Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), use it to set aside funds.
Check out specific rules of use with your program.
Tax Return
Earmark your Tax Return funds for doula support services.
You could hire a Birth Doula and continue right through postpartum recovery with the same doula, if a trained Postpartum Doula, like me.
Registry or Gifts
Add doula financing donations to your Baby Registry or Wish List.
Suggest grandparents and loved ones who want to help, consider donating to your plans for doula support.
Those who live far away may find comfort in bringing this service to you when they cannot be there in those early weeks.
Plan Ahead and Save
Save ahead during your pregnancy for the pre-planned use of a doula.
Check your household budget and see if some things won’t be needed for a while that you would normally spend on, then earmark those funds for the temporary use of doula services.
Try Something Creative
If you want to really get creative, crowd sourcing is something new to consider.